4 Hour Anti-Bullying and Tolerance Training


With the explosion of the Internet and social media comes the ability for many to anonymously bully anyone without consequences in most cases. This class embeds itself into the world of bullying as well as the tolerance we all need in trying to wipe it out from our society. Bullying has no place within our lives, but it's here to stay as it has been since time began. With this course, comes the dynamics of what creates a bully and how to deal with the phenomenon effectively so that we can address the problem head-on. o train your staff in order to recognize, prevent, intervene and educate others so we can stop the Bullying and increase tolerance among our society)

During this dynamic and provocative class, students will learn the psychology and causes behind why people bully others and then explore the ways we all can look at ourselves first before we can judge others, as we all have participated in bullying in one form or another within our lives. From when we were all children, we have been driven by a common thread of trying to project on others what we see as weaknesses within ourselves and the normalcy of this is what helps fuel the problem and prevents it from dying out once we are adults. Most people grow and learn and understand the importance of tolerance and compassion, but many never realize this dynamic and continue the destructive pattern. This class explores how we can recognize, learn and grow in a direction of understanding where the pattern can be broken for our society and more importantly, for the ones who are victimized to the point of self-destruction.

4 Contact Hours

Price: $100.00 Per Person