Compliance Deadline: July 1, 2024
California Senate Bill 553 requires employers to develop and implement written plans and training/certification for emloyees and staff to enable them to help prevent and respond to incidents of workplace violence.
Phoenix Training Group offers training and certification to all California businesses in an easy-to-use online training experience for as little as $9.99 per employee or supervisor.
Our training includes:
- De-escalation/Violence Prevention
- Active-Shooter training
- Violence evasion techniques
- Employee Policies/Self Defense
- Investigations
- Hazard Correction
- Anti-retaliation
- NIOSH*/Dept. of Homeland Security Info.
- Workplace planning templates
- Employee certificates
*National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health
When & how often is training required?
Certification was due by July 1, 2024 and annually thereafter. Ongoing training must be provided to new hires.
What is a Violence Prevention Plan?
SB-553 requires employers to create a Violence Prevention plan, a process coordinated with employees and staff specifically tailored to our company. Plan templates are provided with training.
Is active shooter training required?
It is not explicitly referred to in the new bill, but is highly recommended.
How long to complete online training?
Our online training class typically takes just four hours for each of your staff members to complete. Compliance certificates are provided upon each individual’s completion.
Are there penalties for non-compliance?
Some citations have already been issued since the July compliance requirement by OSHA in the state of California, so it is important that companies provided training and implement their plan ASAP.