LIVE Situational De-escalation & Firearms Simulation Experience
Our association with POST-Certified Ozark Shoot/Don’t Shoot Solutions brings your organization the latest in modern, reaction-based, firearm response simulation technology. Our Mobile MILO Pro Range Simulator is essential to required law enforcement officer training protocols. These simulations make paper and steel target training obsolete with real-time visuals, sound, reaction, and psychological realness uniform/security experience.
We train using pistols & long rifles modified with lasers. Shots are recorded, timed, replayed, and in some scenarios targeting is required in specific body areas. The perpetrator interacts physically & verbally to student actions or inactions.
Every level of business may now be pro-active in learning safe firearm defense techniques to protect employees & customers. These classes ensure your survival in a life-threatening live shooter event as you experience realistic & dramatic scenarios using our Mobile MILO Simulator that uses a life-sized screen that viscerally re-creates heart-pumping adrenaline scenarios under stress that you and your staff would experience in a real situation.
Professional skill testing and training for law enforcement, CCW, private corporate safety and personal skillset training is available. We also provide fun and exciting civilian-friendly group sessions where attendees test their skills with target practice and zombie hunting video gaming.